Ułatwienia dostępu

     W tym roku jak i  w ubiegłych latach uczniowie naszej szkoły wzięli udział w tym arcyciekawym konkursie łączącym w sobie znajomość języka angielskiego z umiejętnością logicznego myślenia nieodzownego w rozwiązaniu zadań dotyczących odkrycia skomplikowanych reguł  rządzących  fonetyką  lub gramatyką  danego języka .Z naszej szkoły wytypowano 3 zespoły 3-osobowe.

Sukces uczniów naszej szkoły to

 IX miejsce na 52 zespoły startujące spośród szkół województwa dolnośląskiego


( to jest 156 uczniów w sumie)

  dla zespołu nr 2 w składzie:

Maria Założyk 2d

Angelika Indrzejczyk kl 2d

Adrian Janicki  kl 2d

A oto prezentacja wszystkich zespołów i kilka słów od nich w języku angielskim:

Zespół nr 1

Weronika Jarkowska kl 2b

Gustaw Jastrzębski kl 2b

Natalia Starzak kl 1d

A oto komentarze  Weroniki, Natalii i Gustawa  na temat  konkursu:

“On Friday 21st  I  was a  contestant  in an English competition  „Language Marathon”. The competition took place in Wrocław  at the  Institute of English Philolology. We had a 9 -people delegacy from our school. We were working in  teams containing  3 members. There were 5 different tasks. They required  from us a great knowledge of English and a logical way of thinking. Not only the right answer was important, but also  the time counted . We had to work fast and effectively. The  questions were hard and we had to think a lot to answer them. We had 2 and a half  for  our work with tasks,  but most of the groups finished earlier. It was a valuable experience for me, and I  would be glad to participate in such competition next year.”

„ I was at  the Language Marathon on the 21st of September,  2018. It took place at  Wrocław University. I was there with my 8 schoolmates and my English teacher. We were working in small groups and we did a pretty good job. It was my first important language competition and I'm proud of us because we ended up on the 20th place. In my opinion the atmosphere was really nice , so I hope to go there next year.”

Zespół nr 2

Maria Założyk kl 2d

Angelika Indrzejczyk kl 2d

Adrian Janicki  kl 2d

A oto komentarz zespołu który zajął  9 miejsce  na temat  konkursu:

“ Two weeks ago we did  the “Language Marathon” in Wroclaw University at the Institute of English Philology. It was our second time participating in this competition, but last year we didn’t get to take part in it due to some complications. However, this time we luckily arrived and went to check our knowledge about not only English language, but also others that we have never learned nor heard. We were divided into groups consisting of 3 people. The organizers gave out 5 tasks. As it turned out, the assignments did not disappoint us. We could get extra points by doing them in a short amount of time. Despite that, we were the last ones to finish, but we still knewt hat we did our best. It was a really challenging contest as it was not the usual type of competition we used to take part in. We were curious and excited. Some of the tasks were tricky and we had to work in focus, but we still had a great time.”

Zespół nr 3

Donata Borkowska kl 2d

Oliwia Jantarskakl 1b

Damian Godlewski kl 2d

A oto komentarz Oliwii  na temat  konkursu:

“It was an importantl esson for me to take part in that competition. We were in a three-man team so we had to work together, communicate and give ourown ideas. I hope next time we will achieve mored ue to that year experience.”

To tyle i …” Do zobaczenia za rok w następnej edycji Maratonu!”